I find that the Lord’s wisdom in making us all a necessary part of each other is quite beautiful.  It serves us all in that it forces each of us to focus on being faithful with our part in the body for the health and edification of the greater body, of which we are members ourselves.

We find that the Lord has given us a greater measure of mouth than of means, as it were, and we want to be faithful with our part by focusing on developing and exercising that which has been given to us for the body’s edification. It may be that you would like to be a fellow worker for the truth with us (III John) but find your portion differing from ours. “As it is, there are many parts, yet one body” (II Cor. 12:20).

We have various projects and trips constantly in the works, and we see the Lord’s grace to us with vision, inspiration, and articulation. And we also see that we are not sufficient in ourselves to accomplish these things. But God is more than sufficient, and His grace and portion for us will be for our greatest good, and His glorification.

If you would care to be a FELLOW WORKER with us in any of these projects, your tax deductible contribution can be received through THE GAIUS PROJECT by clicking on a DONATE button.

Brothers and sisters, pray for us.

Jason Harms

If you have any questions about any of these projects, please email us at: info@jasonharms.com .


A collection of martyr songs is the next recording in the works. The faith of a person stands so beautifully against the trial of his faith. It is the trial that proves and manifests one’s faith, and we need to hear of the faithful ones.